
Easy of use and setup

RadixStream is easy to setup, you can start using it in less than 5 minutes with detailed setting page.

  • Cloudflare account info
  • Signed URLs setting
  • Default player customization
  • Webhook integration
RadixStream settings
RadixStream settings

Media Upload Integration

Upload directly to Cloudflare via Media Library, unlimited file size, unlimited bandwidth, resumable upload without go through your server.

  • Direct Cloudflare upload via TUS protocol
  • Upload panel powered by Uppy and React
  • Resumable upload
  • Video thumbnail integration
  • Fully integrate with WP Media Library, all search, filter, embed feature works like local videos.

Sync Existing Videos

Already have videos on Library? Just hit Sync button to sync them to Cloudflare!
RadixStream settings
RadixStream settings

Video Block

A dedicated video block with all the features you need to create a video page. Upload video, serve video, customize look and feel, all in one place.
  • Upload video directly to Cloudflare and sync with Media Library
  • Pick videos from the Media Library
  • Customize player look and feel
  • Video thumbnail integration
  • Use poster from Cloudflare (default) or select any photo from Library
  • Set public or private video with Signed URLs.

And more...

  • Webhook Sync lets you upload from Cloudflare dashboard and sync to Media Library
  • Webhook security
  • Signed URLs
  • Well integrated with your theme, select colors from your theme.